O papel do Poder Judiciário brasileiro no exercício responsável da paternidade após a dissolução conjugal


  • Jamille de Santana Santos IBADFEM




Brazilian Judiciary, Marital Dissolution, Shared Custody, The Responsible Exercise of Paternity, Parental Role


The Law n. 11.698, from 2008, has instituted shared custody at the Brazilian Judiciary order, imposing parental equality by prioritizing it. Despite the legal imposition, before the breakup of formal or common-law marriage between people with underage children, not always the kids or teenagers will have the rights of living together or caring of both parents assured, even in cases that the judges enact sharing the custody, remaining the majority of the responsibilities to the mothers in the full time or most of their time. With those considerations, this article intends to analyze the relevance of the Legal Instance at the responsible exercise of paternity after the dissolution of marriage. Therefore, qualitative research plus literature review. By the end of this, it shall be demonstrated that the Family Courts have legal tools that must be activated under the perspective of gender matters, a fact that can attenuate the abism between motherly and fatherly caring towards the children after a breakup, respecting the proper parental roles.


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How to Cite

DE SANTANA SANTOS, J. O papel do Poder Judiciário brasileiro no exercício responsável da paternidade após a dissolução conjugal. Revista Direito e Feminismos, Salvador, BA, v. 1, n. 2, 2022. DOI: 10.56516/revdirfem.v1i2.26. Disponível em: https://revdirfem.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/26. Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.