A perspectiva de gênero no Direito brasileiro

Avanços e retrocessos no combate à violência contra a mulher


  • Aline Setenta UESC
  • Saskya Miranda Lopes




violência, perspectiva de gênero, lei


The confrontation with violence against women in Brazil was marked by the promulgation of Law 11,340 of 2006, which brought, in an innovative way, the word gender and its legal consequences to Brazilian law, in addition to creating the guidelines for the first public policies of gender in the country. Many were the legal advances and the expansion of the field of studies of gender violence in Brazil after the advent of the law, however recently, this scenario has changed. The advance of the extreme right in Brazil has threatened the legal achievements and spaces for discussion and prevention of violence against women, by advocating the untying of violence against women to a gender issue. Thus, this article aims to discuss the repercussion of the presence of the gender perspective in Brazilian law, after the Maria da Penha Law until the advent of the CNJ Protocol, and the recent threats to these achievements. Recent forays against the word gender have threatened the consolidation, still ongoing, of Gender Policy and the strengthening of the coping network that includes the prevention and construction of an education from the perspective of gender.


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How to Cite

SETENTA, A.; MIRANDA LOPES, S. . A perspectiva de gênero no Direito brasileiro: Avanços e retrocessos no combate à violência contra a mulher. Revista Direito e Feminismos, Salvador, BA, v. 1, n. 1, p. 1–14, 2022. DOI: 10.56516/revdirfem.v1i1.7. Disponível em: https://revdirfem.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/7. Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.