
  • Bianca Oliveira Unifacs - Universidade Salvador




Colleen Hoover, woman, violence, abuse, abusive relationship, feminism.


The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how feminism and its characteristics are present in the book “It Ends with Usl” by Colleen Hoover and how the characters become representative for their audience, mostly women. Considering the experience of women in real life from the perspective of gender, relationships and motherhood, we will analyze the contributions made by the author in her most successful work today.

In addition, from the perspective of the book, problems that were brought up by the author in a hidden way will be addressed, which are directly linked to psychological violence, the traumas left to children who were eventually present in episodes of violence in their homes, and among other issues that pervade gender violence.

The book was used as a starting point to bring points of reflection on the confrontations that we women are subject to in our lives. Above all, the issue of what it is like to witness this type of violence in childhood, which is still an underappreciated topic.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, B. WHAT COLLEEN HOOVER TALKS ABOUT FEMINISM IN “IT ENDS WITH US”. Revista Direito e Feminismos, Salvador, BA, v. 1, n. 2, 2022. DOI: 10.56516/revdirfem.v1i2.30. Disponível em: https://revdirfem.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/30. Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.